Eggplant with Bell pepper

It tastes so good that each time when I make this dish, I think that I’m a legend in food cooking. 😀

Bake sweet potet in 2 different ways

Ingidients: sweet potato Method 1:  Roast in oven Heat the oven to 225 degrees, put sweet potato in the oven with a paper under and bake for 40 minutes Done Method 2: Micro sweet potato Use a bit smaller and thinner sweet potato, wash well Wrap in a wet paper towels Put in microwave, cook one side first…


ingredients: okra                       200-300g Spice: garlic                     1 Chilli                      1-2 Soy sauce            2 tbsp Balsamico          1 tbsp…

Tofu and radish soup

ingredients: tofu                                         200-250g Radish                                   medium size Spice: Ginger                    …

Chicken with okra

ingredients: Chicken fillet               300g (Chicken thighs fillet tasted best) Ok ra                                100g Spice: Garlic                              1 Salt        …

Fried tomato and egg

This dish is so simple and good that it had became the first dish I learnt to cook in my life. 🙂

Campfire baked sweet potato

Very simply, when you’re out and about. stuffing sweet potato in aluminum foil and place it in the middle of the fire while one begins to light up. Leave it in the fire for 30 to 40 minutes depending on the size of the sweet potato. Take it out, cooling a bit and open it. Mmmm … sweet and…

Cucumber salad

ingredients: 1 cucumber Spice: 1 tsp sugar 2-3 cloves garlic 1 chilli with desired strong scale 3 tbsp soy sauce + 3 tbsp balsamic coriander Cut cucumber into small cubes Chop the coriander, chili and garlic Mix sugar in sauce (sugar is not must) Fry garlic and chilli in oil on medium low heat until garlic…