Sweet and Sour Salmon

  • Portion:                                                  2
  • Time:                                                       10min
  • Difficulty:                                              4/10


  • salmon                                                    350g


  • Spring onions                                     1
  • ginger                                                     5slices
  • garlic                                                       1
  • Vegetable buljong                           1
  • Flour                                                       4tbsp
  • Cornstarch                                          4tbsp
  • Balsamico                                             2tbsp
  • Sugar                                                       1tbsp (if you like sweeter, use 2tbsp)
  • Soy sauce                                              3tbsp
  • Salt                                                           1.5 tsp
  • Tomato puree                                      2tbsp

Mariner Salmon in 1tbsp soy sauce and 1 tsp salt (fish I bought is pretty thin, if you have thicker fish chunks, you can divide into 2 cm thin slices)

Finely chop the chilli, garlic, scallions and ginger, mix 2tbsp soy sauce, 2tbsp balsamic, 1tbsp sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt and broth in a bowl. Mix 4tbsp flour, 4tbsp cornstarch and about 8tbsp water in another bowl, the sauce should be as thick as sour milk

Dip fish in the white sauce

Pour little more oil than normal in the frying pan, and fry the fish on both sides, each sid for about 1min on medium high heat

Take out to put in a deep plate

Bake peppers, garlic, scallions and ginger  till garlic is slightly brown

Mix in 2tbsp tomato sauce and cook for about 30 seconds

Mix in the other sauce and cook for 1 min till they are thicker

Pour the sauce on the fish
