Stewed Pork Cubes


  • Cotelette                                     500g
  • potatoes                                      1


  • scallions                                      1
  • Ginger                                        5-6 slices
  • Anise                                           2
  • cinnamon                                  1
  • Sugar                                           1 tbsp
  • Soy sauce                                   2 tbsp
  • Whisky                                       1 tbsp (Alcohol makes the meat more tender, but can be omitted if desired)


Cut the meat and potatoes to large cubes, scallions and ginger into small slicesIMG_1064

Boil the meat in a pot of boiling water for 2 minutes, then remove from the waterIMG_1065

Cook sugar in the pan until brownedIMG_1068

Mix in the meat and mix well with the burnt sugarIMG_1071

Mix in green onions, ginger, cinnamon and star anise, cook for 1 minIMG_1072

Pour in boiled water until the water covers the meat. Mix in soy sauce and whisky, simmer for 10 minutesIMG_1073

Mix in potato, simmer for 10 minutesIMG_1078

Finally, boil in high heat until sauce thickensIMG_1100